
fun createPlayerView(context: Context, jsonUrl: String?, options: Map<String, Any?>? = null): BBNativePlayerView

Create a player view

  • context: the view context. Should be of type AppCompatActivity for fullscreen functionality

  • jsonUrl: the json embed URL (nullable)

  • options: the options dictionary (optional), options recognized:

    • adsystem_buid: app bundle id

    • adsystem_rdid: resettable device identifier

    • adsystem_idtype: identifier type ("idfa" for iOS, "adid" for Android)

    • adsystem_is_lat: limit ad tracking (Boolean)

    • adsystem_ppid: publisher-provided id

    • allowCollapseExpand: honour collapse / expand requests (Boolean or String)

    • waitForCmp: wait for Consent Management, then setup (Boolean or String)

    • handleConsentManagement: handle Consent Management (Boolean or String) -- needs waitForCmp

    • tagForUnderAgeOfConsent: (Boolean or String)

    • consent_string: default consent string (String)

    • consent_gdprApplies: default GDPR applies (Int)

    • consent_cmpVersion: default CMP version (Int)

    • autoPlay: auto play (Boolean or String), overrides playout setting

    • commercials: allow commercials (Boolean or String), overrides playout setting

    • noChromeCast: no ChromeCast support (Boolean or String), overrides playout setting

    • noStats: no stats logging (Boolean), overrides playout setting

    • forceFullscreenLandscape: rotated the video to landscape when the video goes fullscreen


the player view



the view context


the json embed URL (nullable)


the options dictionary (optional)